اطلاعات تماس راهنمای خرید امن گزارش آگهی

مشخصات، قیمت و خرید Fig juice کد 155921

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Fig juice: Figs are native to the Mediterranean and Asia.

This fruit is an important part of the diet of the ancient Romans and Greeks and is said to increase strength due to its rich nutritional value.

Figs are rich in fiber, water and minerals such as calcium, potassium and manganese.

Consumption of fig juice is an effective way to get nutrients from this fruit.

Fig juice is a concentrated extract of fig juice.

Properties of Solar Fig Juice: - Lowering blood pressure (Fig juice is a good source of potassium and as we know, potassium is an element used to control blood pressure).

Weight loss (Fig juice is a good source of dietary fiber.

Fiber has a beneficial effect on weight loss and delays hunger).

Prevention of breast cancer (due to its high fiber, it prevents breast cancer).

- Increases bone density.

Fig juice is useful for relieving headaches, toothaches, nausea, fever, gout, earaches, burns, stomach aches, purulent inflammation (abscesses), lung diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.

Fig juice is also a good source of magnesium.

- It has omega 3 and omega 6.

Therefore, it is useful for the nervous system, brain and heart.

- Causes better digestion of food.

Fig juice is very useful for people with high cholesterol and high uric acid.

Prevents colon cancer, and figs generally inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

- It has more antioxidants than other fruits.


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